Yes, attempting to name your character Jeff Bezos is neither the height of comedy nor creativity, I know. This is a world that voted for Boaty McBoatface, so it was bound to happen, really. Here he is, the one and only “JeffrieBezos” Does he look like Jeff Bezos? He is bald. That’s about as much specificity about Jeff Bezos’s appearance I can conjur offhand. This is a bit interesting though, as our James actually did try to name his character several different permutations on Jeff’s name. Unsurprisingly, he got a no on anything including “Bezos”. At least one name beginning in “Jeff” got denied, as did a “Jeffrey B. Zos”. It seems that “Bezos” as its own word gets flagged, but our friend Jeffrie appears to have gotten around this by not putting a space in his name. James, meanwhile, eventually landed on “Geoff Bay Sos”.