Looks pretty, looks fast. That’s my take based on watching the video, though Ed had more to say when he climbed inside Redout 2 for a pod race of his own. He found it more approachable than the first Redout, although it’s possible it’s too fast: I don’t think I realised how much the series is about customising your scifi speed racer. Redout 2 has 12 chassis to choose from and then lets you tweak its various parts, including “propulsors, stabilizers, rudders, intercoolers, flaps, magnets, wings, spoilers, rocket engines, paints and more.” I’m not sure how I’d go about making decisions about which way to weak a flap on a floating race rocket, but it’s nice that there’s variety. There are also 36 tracks to race on (plus mirrored versions), and lots of different race modes. Redout 2 will release on both Steam and the Epic Games Store, though for now it seems there’s only a Steam page to look at.