Infinity Ward didn’t come out and say that Mr. Price would be a new battle royale operator, but heck, it’s a definite possibility. Apparently folks quite like Captain Price, the man of action. The dude who gets his hands dirty. The moral lightning rod that takes one for the team. “We get dirty and the world stays clean,” as he says. If you’ve a keener ear for all things Modern W4rfare, you may be able to glean even more than Price’s hat from the new teaser video below. Infinity Ward haven’t actually announced a date for season 4 just yet either. Season 3’s battle pass is scheduled to end on June 2nd, so folks appear to be betting on a season 4 launch right after. Given the new teaser, season 4 starting hot on the heels of 3’s closure seems likely enough. If you’re still capping off season 3 and wot not, we’ve got a Warzone guns and weapons guide to help you out with your shootin’ and lootin'.