That looks great. One of the more exciting games I’ve seen at E3. Love a bit of dystopian posthuman living. And in the game etc. It’ll go day by day, with us deciding where to go, what to do, which systems to hack, who to talk to or help, and so on, with only limited time to spend each cycle and timers also ticking on the rhythms and events of other people’s lives. You know, a bit like Persona but in the future and with the hounds of space capitalism nipping at your carbon fibre heels. It’s tabletop-y enough for dice rolls too, which I think are rolled at the start of a cycle then we have to decide where best to apply that pool of numbers. I think? Citizen Sleeper is coming to Steam in 2022, and that there store page explains more. It’s coming from Jump Over The Age, the one-man studio of Gareth Damian Martin. He notes that character art is from comics author Guillaume Singelin and music from Amos Roddy (who also composed for In Other Waters). Alice Bee’s In Other Waters review said it was “really very good”, meditative and calming and “possibly exactly what you need right now.” That was March 2020 and I honestly don’t know how I’d update the sentiment for June 2021. Disclosure: Gareth Damian Martin wrote about the uncanny palace of Echo for us a few years back.