First up, here’s Santa Blackwall, made by modder “Emma Vakarian-Theirin”. It’s pretty much just a recolour of his basic armour and hair, giving him snowy white locks and a bright red coat. But, is he actually Santa? Or a disgraced soldier pretending to be Santa who’ll abandon you later down the line because his moral compass started spinning wildly out of control? No Santa is complete with a helper, of course, and thankfully Thedas is full of elves. And also would-be elf gods. Here’s Santa’s Elf Solas. “After making my Santa Blackwall mod, I thought, ‘He needs an elf helper, doesn’t he?’ And figured it would be funnier to stuff [Solas] in an ugly sweater rather than Sera,” says the modder. “So here he is, as jolly as ever!” Admittedly, I quite like his sweater. Again, this is his usual outfit but redesigned with the festive patterns (which I actually quite like). I’m all for this. It’d be great if we could get a Santa’s helper Sera too - ooh, and a reindeer Iron Bull! I already find Dragon Age: Inquisition quite a Christmassy game, though I think it might be that the first section is very snowy. It also might be because most of the Dragon Age 4 news we’ve gotten so far has come in December during previous Game Awards streams, like last year’s Varric tease. More recently, last week BioWare confirmed that the next Dragon Age would be a “single-player focused experience”, and they released a couple of short stories to celebrate Dragon Age Day.

Dragon Age  Inquisition mods give Solas and Blackwall festive makeovers - 48Dragon Age  Inquisition mods give Solas and Blackwall festive makeovers - 25