As seems to be the case every season, the new handful of Fall Guys levels look like total torture for those little bean folks. There’s anti-gravity. There are lasers. Oh dear, there are pinball flippers. Inevitably, I’ll fail to qualify entirely on new rounds when I’m just flabbergasted by the number of things going on. You can spot all that chaos from some of the new rounds right here in the launch trailer. I’ve got my eye on the one called Roll On, which is a race version of Roll Out’s giant, rotating cylinders full of holes. I’m actually pretty decent at Roll Out. Basketfall, the low gravity hoop shooting round, sounds like my personal hell though. In addition to the new levels, Fall Guys is getting a new squad mode where your team of four have a combined score during races and elimination rounds. You’ll qual or fall together that way, meaning that you all claim victory if your team member wins the final round. Fall Guys is also adding a few familiar online game features. Daily Challenges have entered the ring, letting you earn a bit of extra experience points and crown shards. Those of us who are terrible at actually winning final rounds can turn 60 shards into a proper crown. The rest of the patch notes are detailed in Mediatonic’s post. One change of note is that players will now spawn in a straight line on the Fall Mountain line instead of some players getting a small head start. You can also now quit any time after you’ve been eliminated, instead of needing to wait for the next round to start if you forget to leave before the results screen. That’s always been a small annoyance, so it’s nice to see the change. You can pop into Fall Guys right now to try out the new season. A playlist of exclusively Season 4 rounds is available for the next week if you want to fully immerse yourself in the disco future.