I know everyone looks silly while doing VR so it’s passé to laugh, but I did laugh every time it shows people treading cautiously around a room with squiggles on the wall while fully tooled up with cybergear. Ubisoft say up to eight players will suit up and jack in to become captured by Vaas and his merry men then blast their way out. Genuinely, it looks probably quite fun. Laser tag but VR? Sure, I’d give it a go, even if VR is less cool than lasers. Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity is due to launch at Zero Latency VR places, which are in 22 countries, in 2021. See their website for more. If you cannot make it to a VRcade (in this pandemic?), I suppose you’ll have to make do with Far Cry 6 coming in February. Look, maybe it’s late and I’ve been posting about Ubisoft Forward announcements for too long, but I love it. I love all of it. Thank you, William Gibson. Thank you for everything. Ahead of today’s Ubisoft Forward stream, company CEO Yves Guillemot apologised to the people they didn’t protect, among other controversies.