It plays a lot like Reigns, in that you’re confronted with a Tinder like interface and have to make binary decisions about how to run the country. In my game I nationalised Google. Then the rest of the world told me they weren’t wild about America essentially owning the internet, and so I agreed to INTERnationalise Google. I think people liked that. It’s a little game that’s good at representing a lot. You’ve got to bear the interests of specific voters in mind, and be sure to keep winning elections so you can keep enacting progressive policies. You’ve gotta comprise. I wound up gritting my teeth and attributing “the blackface incident” to “different times”, knowing my base would still support me and that I needed to swing some extra voters if I wanted to keep control of Congress beyond the midterms. It certainly simplifies. Enacting socialism wound up being pretty easy, with structural change that I suspect would take decades passing here in virtual months - though I did have to forsake the environment. I think that might have been part of the point.