I can’t quite say that Mass Effect: Andromeda’s multiplayer improved upon its predecessor in every way. But in every way that mattered, it was more of the same. And therefore it, too, is glorious. I was on the fence for a while though. I could see that it was the same basic formula of running about killing waves of enemies and completing missions, and I should have loved it from day one. But the enemies felt pretty uninspired compared with the majestic horror of the Collectors or the Reapers. And they’d done something to my Crusader shotgun. I’m not sure what it was, but it just didn’t have the same oomph as it used to have. But as it turns out, I’m a simple man. All I needed was another hilariously overpowered gun. And this time it came Men In Black-style, in the form of a teeny tiny pistol called the Ushior. I’d apparently lucked out with my latest crate opening and found the ultra-rare Ushior X, the most powerful variant of this ultra-powerful little hand cannon. It only had two shots before you had to reload, but that didn’t matter when each shot carried the combined destructive potential of a thousand Klom headbutts. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason in Mass Effect: Andromeda and Mass Effect 3, I’m not angry when I find an overpowered weapon. I’m just angry when I don’t.