There is an overarching plot to do with a waif and/or stray that Holmes has adopted, and a sexy and mysterious neighbour who recently moved in. But the standalone cases are lovely little investigative gems (excluding, perhaps, the one where Holmes imaginates his way through what happened at a temple he has never been to based on looking at a small model of it in a bowls pavilion, or something). You may remember this game for people praising that one case where you had to find the right house in a street based on a description and directions to it, which was really very good. Bits like that don’t happen loads throughout the whole game, sadly, but if you’re a Holmes fan I think this is probably the best of Frogwares’ adaptations. Maybe avoid if you’re a purist though - it’s the spirit of Holmes rather than a 1:1 adaptation. But come on, we all know whodunnit in A Study In Scarlet by now. (As an addendum I would like to add that in my old job I used to get a bus to Croydon every day, and the route went past an estate agent called ‘Holmes Estate Agents’ and every day that I saw it I was infuriated that they hadn’t called it Holmes’ Homes. I know this is only very vaguely related to the topic at hand but I need people to know about this outrage.)