Surreal sneaking in watercolour roguelikelike Don’t Wake God (coming to Steam): Heavy notes of Counter-Strike surfing in course-traversing FPS The Nexus Kernel: I fully agree with the design philosophy behind this yet-unnamed beat ’em up platformer: A chill tune in a crystal cavern with Mr. Saitou, the follow-up to Rakuen from Laura Shigihara (also known for the Plants Vs. Zombies banger, There’s A Zombie On Your Lawn): A whack of edginess from adventure game Project_Basement_Dating: A bit of side-on ultraviolence from Astoria Legends: Red Moon (2020 pre-alpha demo available through its website): Plus an ultraviolent parry from Awaken: Astral Blade: Honestly this is just a trailer, not a screenshot or clip, and probably shouldn’t be included here but I’m pointing out the first trailer for RetroSpace (coming to Steam) because I’ve posted it quite a few times in Screenshot Saturday Mondays. Last time I even said, “I wish this retro space immersive sim would get a name, because I’m posting it a lot so a name would be quite convenient.” Now it has a name: RetroSpace. And now you know. A nice moment of respite in turn-based exploration game Sandwalkers (coming to Steam and GOG): Gosh, Dordogne (coming to Steam) is so pretty: I can’t say I entirely understand what’s going on here in Zefyr: A Thief’s Melody (coming to Steam), but well! Colourful forest and eerie sounds in explore-o-adventure game 7Groves (coming to “Mood” indeed: What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?