You’ll need to fulfil certain requirements to unlock the shortcuts though - here’s what you need to hold onto.

All items required to unlock Spelunky 2 shortcuts

The first shortcut is unlocked after you beat 1-4 in Adventure mode. Terra, or Mama Tunnel, will be waiting there with her shovel and smile, asking you for a little help with getting her shortcut together. She’ll need a hand with getting her resources together though. Here’s what you need to bring her for the first tunnel - remember you have to bring them through on three separate runs: You can then enter the shortcut on the left hand side of the Adventure’s hub area. To unlock the second shortcut, you’ll need to bring the following items after reaching 3-1, again in three runs: The final shortcut is found after 5-1, and must be opened by giving Terra: That’s all the shortcuts for Spelunky 2! It’s absolutely hard as nails, so don’t worry if it takes you some time to get used to all the intricacies. We have a handy beginner’s guide to Spelunky 2 if you’re struggling to get past the first world, so feel free to give that a gander.