This year’s Digital Tabletop Fest is running from Friday, October 22 to Sunday the 24th. Like last year, it’ll be reeling in some sales on games and some livestreamed chats with developers. Valve are bringing out the big dice this year, pulling in developers from Larian Studios of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 along with Zaum Studio of Disco Elysium fame. They’re both perhaps pretty far into the “inspired by” tabletop games end of the allowable spectrum, but I imaging that chat will be particularly interesting to listen to. Matthew Castle had a very good interview with Larian about Baldur’s Gate 3 back in June 2020 and even though it’s outdated now, it’s a really excellent listen. I imagine we’ll be in for a lot more illuminating game design discussion during their panel on the 23rd. The folks at Zaum have always been great to hear from as well in my experience, so I’m expecting a lot of good from their talk that kicks the event off on Friday the 22nd. Elsewhere in the full schedule, you can spot panels dedicated to Dungeons & Dragons, the digital Game Of Thrones board game, the World Of Darkness setting, and more. You can tune in for the Digital Tabletop Fest panels when they kick off with Disco Elysium on Friday, October 22 at 6pm BST (10am PDT).