Steam and Pixmain have handily broken down the games featured among Enter The Dragon into some lovely coloured dragons themed around genres, so if you’re into horror you can check out the Black Dragon or the Yellow Dragon if puzzles and narrative appeal. They’re flogging three ‘Way of the’ bundles at a discount too, themed around mind, spirit and fist. You might have heard Pixmain’s name before thanks to Inked: A Tale of Love, which was re-released in an enhanced form last August. Alice B took a look at it at the time and thought it was “well worth a go”. People in China were having a bit of trouble accessing Steam at the start of the year, leading to speculation that a ban was incoming after the launch of Steam China. The Chinese government has a track record of acting against indies as well, which Khee Hoon Chan found when they spoke to developers, and Polygon reported back in January that 14,000 gaming-related companies had deregistered since August due to the government’s stringent guidelines on what it finds acceptable content in games. The Enter The Dragon showcase presentation begins at 7pm PDT/3am BST. The festival runs until April 29th.