In the Elder Scrolls tradition, Dread Delusion starts us as a prisoner. We’re freed to hunt the leader of a band of mercenaries accused of the scandalous crime of aiding god-worshippers, kicking off the main quest, but soon we’re free to explore, do side-quests, chat with townsfolk, join the thieves hanging out in the sewer, and all that open-world RPG stuff. Movement and violence are decidely of the era which inspired the game, which I can’t say I’m super into, but that’s how it goes. We’re also free to just watch the ’neuron star’ circle our land of hovering islands while enjoying the music, and I sure did. See: It’s a pretty game. Lots of weird machinery and mushrooms and Warhammer 40K-esque servitors and just some great colours. Cracking soundtrack too. And I do like the wobble to everything, because I’m like that. I also enjoyed watching the plants you can harvest for alchemy: You can download Dread Delusion’s latest demo from Steam. You might have played an early demo ages back in the Haunted PS1 demo disc. The full release will follow, like, at some point. It’s led by Lovely Hellplace, aka James Wragg, and published by Dread XP. We’ve got plenty more Steam Next Fest demo recommendations for you too. Valve’s free demo-o-rama runs until Thursday the 7th.