To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — The Blindboy Podcast (@Rubberbandits) June 22, 2020 I did a proper cackle when he started taunting the fishermen with his iPhone. And at the part where he dances on a moonlit roof, then burns the house down and struts off into the night. He’s very good at immortalising the wild abandon of an RPG player in song. I mainly know Blindboy for his podcast, so it’s neat to now appreciate him musically for something other than the horse song. He’s a very wise, very eccentric man who has many helpful things to say about mental health, and many interesting things to say about art, music and psychology. He has great guests on sometimes, too. A few weeks back he had Brenda and John Romero! Other highlights include his chat with an Irish folklorist, or when he discussed the merits of using psychedelic drugs as mental health treatment with a neurosicentist. If you’ve got time, I do recommend watching this full Red Dead stream. Watching those moments from the compilation arise organically is part of the form. There’s already plenty more over on his channel.