Whether you want a few hints for today’s Wordle solution or you just want the answer so that you can win whatever bets you have, we’re here to help with our daily Wordle guides. As always, you can scroll down to find 3 helpful clues, followed by the answer for today’s Wordle. Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle hints for Wednesday 18 May 2022

You know what they say, Wordle hints are the key to happiness. Okay, only we say that, but it’s true! If you’re struggling with today’s Wordle and want some help, you can find 3 clues for today’s Wordle answer below:

The second letter of today’s Wordle is “C”. Today’s answer has two vowels which appear next to each other. You can type in “ROCKS” to make four of the five letters yellow.

Wordle answer for Wednesday 18 May 2022

Okay, I know your deal. It’s midnight and you had an alarm set so that you could play today’s Wordle straight away, right? But you woke up too tired and just need to know the answer before you drop back to sleep. We’ve all been there. You can find the solution below, along with a little definition if you’re ready to learn something new. The answer to today’s Wordle is: SCOUR. Scour! That’s what you do every morning to find Wordle answers, you silly so-and-so. Scour has plenty of meanings, but it is often used to describe someone frantically searching for something. You scour the web for Wordle answers, I scour Netflix for something new to watch, and so on! I scoured the web myself to find other definitions and found that scour is also used to describe livestock with diarrhoea. Lovely stuff. With that out of the way, make sure to keep today’s Wordle answer a secret. It wouldn’t be fair to go around spoiling the answer for others. That’s it for today’s Wordle answer, but check back every day for a new solution. If you want to work on your Wordle skills before the next word arrives, take a look at our list of the best Wordle starting words. If you want to make more educated guesses, check out our list of past Wordle answers to see if you’re repeating previous Wordle solutions.