That’s where our daily Wordle guides come in. Every day we’ll offer up a few hints that might help you arrive at today’s Wordle solution; and if they don’t help enough, we also reveal today’s Wordle answer and an explanation of the word’s meaning for whoever needs it. So read on to find out everything you need to know about today’s Wordle word of the day! Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Hints for today’s Wordle answer (Sunday 5 June 2022)

Everyone needs a helping hand here or there, and Wordle is no exception. Have a look at these Wordle hints and see if they bring you any closer to today’s word of the day:

Today’s Wordle word ends with 3 consonants. The first letter is “D”. The word is something you look for in a good hero or villain.

Today’s Wordle answer: what is the Wordle word for 5 Jun?

Now it’s time to reveal the answer to today’s Wordle puzzle. Here it is: Today’s Wordle answer is: DEPTH. Depth is a measurement of how deep something is. So if you want to measure the distance from the surface of the ocean to the bottom of the Challenger Deep, you’ll arrive at a depth of 10,929 metres. Or, more likely, you’ll have long since drowned, or been crushed by the pressure of the water at those depths. And if you want to avoid being crushed by a similar pressure of your friends’ and family members’ hands around your neck, please do keep the answer to today’s Wordle to yourself until everyone around you has had the chance to try, succeed, or fail for themselves. It’s been clinically proven that one of the biggest predictors for a long and happy life is your rate of success with Wordle puzzles. To that end, why not check out our list of best Wordle starting words? You’ll literally be adding years to your lifespan! There’s also our archive of past Wordle answers if you want to have a look at what’s come before today’s Wordle answer.